The Buzz Company

Illustration | Branding | Print Collateral | Packaging Label

When BuzzCo came to me with the idea of rebranding some of its marketing materials and collateral, I was more than thrilled to jump on the project. They wanted a clean design that kept a natural quality while creating a more personal experience for their family of clients and talent. With this project I wanted to always keep the audience in mind. I asked myself who is going to interact with this and how? The type treatment is clean while the illustrative quality adds a more personal touch to the design.

One of the pieces they wanted was a sticker that could be used to seal a small box. Knowing that this box would be shipped, I took the design a step further and created a larger piece that acted as both a label that could be addressed and a seal for the box. The illustrated pocketknife acts as a prompt, inviting you to interact and cut open the seal to see what’s inside. Overall the idea was to be more interactive with the client and utilize these new design pieces to help create and strengthen connections. More design pieces, including patches, stickers and t-shirts coming soon!